Tang WenBing (唐文兵)

Research Fellow

College of Computing and Data Science

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore


  • I am currently a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University with Prof. Yang Liu.
  • I obtained my Ph.D. degree in June 2024 from Software Engineering Institute at East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China, supervised by by Prof. Jing Liu and Dr. Yuan Zhou.
  • I received my master degree in 2020 from School of Information Science and Technology at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (ZSTU), Hangzhou, China, and was supervised by Prof. Zuohua Ding.
  • I received my bacholar degreee in 2017 from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NJUPT), Nanjing, China.
  • Research Interests

    My research interests include (1) cooperative motion control, (2) safe and robust decision-making, and (3) safety testing of autonomous intelligent unmanned systems, such as mobile robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, and autonomous vehicles.
    1. Cooperative Motion Control: Cooperative collision avoidance and cooperative motion planning of multi-robot systems in unstructured environments.
    2. Safe and Robust Decision-making: Anomaly detection and safety-robust decision-making for mobile robot systems in adversarial and uncertain environments.
    3. Safety Testing: Critical test scenario generation and simulation-based testing of autonomous driving systems.
    In addition, I am also interested in Causal Inference, such causality-guided debiasing (deconfounding) and causal deep reinforcement learning.


    [1] Wenbing Tang, Yuan Zhou, Yang Liu, Zuohua Ding, Jing Liu. "Robust Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Systems Against Position Deception Attacks." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (2023).
    [2] Wenbing Tang, Yang Liu, Yuan Zhou, Zuohua Ding. "Causality-Guided Counterfactual Debiasing for Anomaly Detection of Cyber-Physical Systems." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2023).
    [3] Wenbing Tang, Yuan Zhou, Haiying Sun, Yuhong Zhang, Yang Liu, Zuohua Ding, Jing Liu, Jifeng He. "GAN-Based Robust Motion Planning for Mobile Robots Against Localization Attacks." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2023).
    [4] Wenbing Tang, Yuan Zhou, Tianwei Zhang, Yang Liu, Jing Liu and Zuohua Ding. "Cooperative Collision Avoidance in Multirobot Systems using Fuzzy Rules and Velocity Obstacles." Robotica (2022).
    [5] Junqiang Yang, Wenbing Tang, and Zuohua Ding. "Long-Term Target Tracking of UAVs Based on Kernelized Correlation Filter." Mathematics 9 (2021).
    [6] Yao Li, Wenbing Tang, Bochen Chen, and Zuohua Ding. "Tracking a Ground Moving Target with UAV Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic." The 14th Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE). IEEE, 2020.
    [7] Wenbing Tang, Libin Zheng, Mingyue Jiang, and Zuohua Ding. "Dynamic Algorithm Selection for Mobile Robots Motion Planning." 2019 6th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). IEEE, 2020.
    [8] Wenbing Tang, Zuohua Ding, and Mengchu Zhou. "A spammer identification method for class imbalanced weibo datasets." IEEE Access 7 (2019): 29193-29201.

    Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai, 2024
  • Outstanding Graduate of Zhejiang, 2020
  • National Graduate Fellowship, 2019
  • National Encouragement Scholarship,2014
  • Contact

  • Email: wenbing.tang@ntu.edu.sg